The Karl Rahner Society meets annually in conjunction with The Catholic Theological Society of America. Convention papers are automatically sent to all Karl Rahner Society members about a month before the meeting. The dues include a discounted subscription to all issues of the Marquette University journal Philosophy & Theology. The journal devotes a special issue each year to the convention papers and other articles related to Rahner studies. The Philosophy Documentation Center at Bowling Green, Ohio handles the mailing and billing for Philosophy & Theology and also maintains the membership list for the Karl Rahner Society.
- Active membership is open to all those who possess the doctoral degree in theological or related studies, and have been actively engaged in at least one of the Society’s purposes. In exceptional cases, active membership can be given to those whose scholarly achievements meet the standards customarily demanded for the doctorate.
- Associate membership is open to those pursuing doctoral studies in theology or related fields, and who manifest an interest in at least one of the purposes of the Society.
- Friends of the Society of Karl Rahner are those interested parties who do not belong to either of the above categories but have a vested interest in the scholarship of Rahner. Friends are non-voting members in the Society.
Applications to join the Society or request for further information should be sent to Dr. Michael M. Canaris (Loyola University).